VANUSHI WALTERS Upholding democracy Q: Whose career inspires you – and why? A: In early April, we bid farewell to…
Russel Arnold Life’s winding road Q: How would you describe your connection with Sri Lanka? A: I am a proud…
Prof. Suranjith Seneviratne Always a Sri Lankan Q: You are a frequent visitor to Sri Lanka… What entices you to…
NISHAN SILVA World of opportunities Q: Could you describe your connection with Sri Lanka? A: I was born in Sri…
We need to cut our coat according to the cloth – this is the biggest challenge we face
Jithran Ekanayake Exploring new vistas Q: What led you to pursue a career in space synthetic biology? A: My primary…
Dr. Chandi Jayawardena Opportunity knocks Q: What lessons have you learned from your diverse experience in different countries? A: I’ve…
Kalyani Rodrigo Back to basics Q: How would you describe your connection with Sri Lanka? A: I have a strong…
Shantha de Silva Laying the foundation Q: Could you summarise your experience in the hospitality sector? A: My hospitality journey…
Kanya D’Almeida The hunt for clarity Q: When did you first realise that you wanted to write for a living?…