Author: LMD International

Daily Express – Jun 26, 2023 A supervolcano in Italy could erupt and cause mass extinctions, obliterate crops, and spark mass evacuations of nearby communities, scientists have warned.  The crust of the Campi Flegrei volcano, near Naples in southern Italy, is becoming weaker and more prone to rupturing, “making an eruption more likely”, research recently published in the journal Communications Earth & Environment said. It could erupt soon, a new study states, and it would be the first time since 1538. If the volcano erupts, it could launch molten rock and volcanic gases high into the stratosphere. It could lead to 100ft tsunamis, leading sulfur,…

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ABC News – June 20, 2023 Glaciers are melting at unprecedented rates across the Hindu Kush Himalayan mountain ranges and could lose up to 80% of their volume this century if greenhouse gas emissions aren’t sharply reduced, according to a report. The report Tuesday from Kathmandu-based International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development warned that flash floods and avalanches would grow more likely in coming years, and that the availability of fresh water could be curtailed for nearly 2 billion people who live downstream of 12 rivers that originate in the mountains. Ice and snow in the Hindu Kush Himalayan ranges…

Read More – 26 June, 2023 Virgin Galactic has set a launch date for its first commercial spaceflight. The company, a part of billionaire Richard Branson’s Virgin Group, announced Monday (June 26) that it will send three Italians and a Virgin Galactic flight instructor to space no earlier than Thursday (June 29), two days later than a previous estimate. A livestream of the flight will run here at, through Virgin Galactic, if possible. Events will begin at 11 a.m. EDT (1600 GMT, or 9 a.m. local time in New Mexico) on July 29. The mission will launch from New Mexico’s…

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CNN – June 23, 2023 “Titanic” director worries implosion will have a negative impact on citizen explorers Film director James Cameron said Thursday he’s worried that the Titan submersible’s implosion will have a negative impact on citizen explorers. “These are serious people with serious curiosity willing to put serious money down to go to these interesting places,” the “Titanic” director told CNN’s Anderson Cooper. “I don’t want to discourage that. But I think that it’s almost now a lesson.The takeaway is, make sure if you’re gonna go into a vehicle, whether it’s an aircraft or surface craft or a submersible, that it’s been through certifying…

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