Strategies for effective leadership and the influence of global experience
Engaging with diverse markets has provided me with a deep understanding of various economic landscapes

Chief Financial Officer
Q: How do you balance your responsibilities between strategic oversight and operational involvement as a CFO and investment consultant?
A: Balancing multiple responsibilities can be challenging but my approach is rooted in a few key areas – namely macro management, effective time management, maintaining high productivity levels, and building a capable and trustworthy team to support my responsibilities.
I always keep the bigger picture in mind, setting long-term goals that guide my decisions. I lead my team towards these objectives by prioritising tasks based on their strategic importance.
At the same time, I remain adaptable, ready to pivot and change direction when necessary to ensure that we stay aligned with our goals.
When it comes to building a team, I focus less on titles and more on individual contributions. In a team of 10 for instance, I encourage everyone to learn each other’s roles. I evaluate team members based on their hard work, eagerness to learn and commitment to the company’s long-term success.
I also believe in the distinction between knowledge and intelligence. While anyone can acquire knowledge through exams, intelligence goes beyond test scores.
Q: How has your international exposure shaped your perspective on financial management and corporate strategy?
A: My international exposure, combined with global business travel, has greatly influenced my personal and professional development, building self-confidence and enhancing my decision making skills.
Engaging with diverse markets has provided me with a deep understanding of various economic landscapes, regulatory and political frameworks, and cultural dynamics. Each business trip has been an opportunity to learn, adapt and refine strategies that are both globally informed and locally relevant.
Working across different regions has taught me the importance of flexibility and cultural sensitivity, in negotiations and decision making. This approach has contributed to my success in local and international business dealings where I have saved companies millions of dollars.
Beyond professional growth, travelling, living and working abroad offer life experiences that extend beyond what can be listed on a resume. These experiences help build strong cross border relationships with business partners and stakeholders on a professional level, to understand their perspectives and work together toward shared goals.
Q: How do you see the role of technology evolving in financial management, particularly in the construction and manufacturing industries?
A: The construction and manufacturing industries are increasingly relying on advanced technology to stay competitive – particularly in design, production and supply chain management.
Embracing innovations is crucial for their success including transforming financial management. Real-time financial reporting and data accuracy are key for tracking performance, managing costs and addressing financial challenges.
While accurate reporting and cost control are essential across industries, the scale and complexity of construction and manufacturing make technology’s role even more critical.
Q: And how has your consultancy business Create Your Wealth Property Solutions (CYWPS) assisted people in Sri Lanka and around the world?
A: Property investment advisory wasn’t something I initially set out to do. Over the years however, I’ve helped many business owners, directors and CEOs in Australia and overseas build their investment property portfolios in Australia, witnessing firsthand the wealth they’ve created.
This inspired me to establish Create Your Wealth Property Solutions, focussing on assisting people who are willing to invest but don’t know how or where to invest in Australia. With my professional qualifications and experience in finance, along with my Australian real estate licence, I’ve been able to build trust and confidence among investors in their decision making.
CYWPS’ vision is to empower clients to create wealth, not by relying solely on their existing funds but facilitating access to lending opportunities locally and overseas to support their property investments.
Through this approach, I have been able to assist clients globally in achieving their investment goals.
Q: What is the best advice you can share with accountants today?
A: One of the best pieces of advice is ‘most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.’
Failure is the key to success – don’t give up when you’ve committed to something. Always challenge yourself, and embrace failure and criticism, as they’re essential for growth.
Remember that success doesn’t come easy. There will be long days and late nights, yet when you put your heart and soul into your work, striving to exceed expectations, success will inevitably follow. These are the reasons I’m where I am today.
CPA Australia
Chartered accountant (CA) – Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CA ANZ)
Fellow chartered accountant (FCA) – Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka)
MBA – University of Southern Queensland
Bachelor of Business Management – University of Kelaniya
Chartered accountant (ACA) – Fiji Institute of Accountants
Member (MAICD) – Australian Institute of Company Directors
Member – Institute of Public Accountants of Australia (IPA)
Member – National Tax & Accountants’ Association (NTAA) Australia
Member – Institute of Financial Accountants (IFA) UK
Associate member – Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka (CMA)
Member (MAAT) – Association of Accounting Technicians of Sri Lanka (AATSL)
Australian real estate salesperson – 4741693