Chathini Uduwana highlights the importance of diversity in the tech industry

Q: What are the main challenges you’ve faced as a woman in tech – and how has Women in Tech Sri Lanka (WIT) addressed them?
A: I’ve faced significant challenges throughout my career. Early on, I was clueless and lacked role models.
My previous organisation was male dominated, and rife with gender bias and stereotyping, which meant my voice often went unheard. Gaining my family’s support was also difficult due to the late hours required for working with foreign clients in different time zones.
Pursuing a tech career was seen as unconventional and I frequently faced scepticism. Societal expectations and the industry’s male dominance presented obstacles for women. The lack of role models and need to juggle family responsibilities often hindered career growth and work-life balance, sometimes leading to job dissatisfaction.
Additionally, I’ve noticed persistent discrepancies in pay levels compared to my male counterparts.
WIT aims to bridge the gender gap and empower women in technology. We focus on equipping women for STEM careers, supporting female entrepreneurs and leaders, ensuring digital access and driving systemic change to address gender biases.
Although WIT Sri Lanka is a young chapter, it aligns with global goals and addresses local issues through its initiatives. We understand that this is a long journey; and while change may be gradual, we’re making steady progress towards reaching our goals.
Q: How has WIT Sri Lanka impacted the local tech community – particularly in terms of diversity and inclusion?
A: In a short period, we have taken great strides in highlighting the underrepresentation of women in the local tech industry.
Tech businesses are actively discussing low female representation in STEM sectors. Our efforts have raised awareness about the importance of diversity and inclusion within the local tech community.
Female students approach us with questions, and we believe that this will lead to more women entering and thriving in tech roles, contributing to a more balanced workforce in the future. Companies that are engaged with our initiatives have begun adopting more inclusive practices and policies, creating a more welcoming environment for their employees.
Overall, WIT Sri Lanka promotes diversity and inclusion in the local tech community, creating opportunities for women, and fostering a more inclusive and innovative tech ecosystem.
We focus on increasing awareness of STEM career options and addressing myths about working in tech as a woman. Additionally, our career development initiatives guide women in navigating their career paths, negotiating salaries and preparing for leadership roles. Recently, we ran a programme featuring a globally renowned speaker.
In collaboration with the WIT global entity, we provide mentorship programmes where women in tech can sign up, and be assigned a mentor to discuss their personal and career growth issues.
We have also started conducting workshops and training programmes in partnership with the Industrial Development Board of Sri Lanka (IDB) to assist women entrepreneurs. Our goal is to increase the digital knowledge of female entrepreneurs.
Furthermore, we plan to extend our entrepreneurship programme to schools, providing students with awareness of entrepreneurship as a career option. We aim to inspire them through role models and basic knowledge to set up their own businesses.
Q: Could you describe a few key initiatives or programmes that WIT Sri Lanka has launched to support working women?
A: We’re committed to creating an environment where women can flourish professionally and have equal access to leadership roles including positions in the boardroom. We inaugurated the WIT Sri Lanka chapter with a well received panel discussion titled ‘From Learners to Leaders: Women’s Journey in Tech.’
This discussion explored the current state of women in the tech workforce, strategies for fostering a gender inclusive environment within tech workplaces, best practices and benefits for corporates, and methods for inspiring the next generation of women to enter this field through effective mentoring and role modelling.
Recently, we concluded a workshop with an international coach focussed on career acceleration strategies, overcoming common challenges, valuing communication and self-awareness, and market trends analysis.
Another initiative in collaboration with IDB aims to enhance the digital literacy of rural entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka.
Q: What are your goals for the organisation going forward? And how do you envision its evolution in the coming years?
A: WIT Sri Lanka’s goals focus on advancing diversity, inclusion and empowerment of women in STEM related sectors. Our main objective is to empower five million girls and women in tech globally by 2030.
To support this vision, we aim to increase female representation in leadership through mentorship programmes, expand access to tech education and training by offering continuous learning opportunities and internship programmes, and strengthen the support network to provide ongoing assistance and resources.
Additionally, we will advocate for gender equity in pay and opportunities within STEM careers, and encourage entrepreneurship and tech innovation to foster new ideas and ventures. We plan to achieve our goals by collaborating with international WIT organisations to share best practices and resources, and create a global network of support.
We also seek to lead initiatives that drive technological innovation by leveraging the diverse perspectives and creativity of women in tech. Furthermore, we aim to become a significant voice in policy advocacy, influencing government and corporate policies to support gender diversity and inclusion.
Chathini Uduwana is an ambassador for Women in Tech Sri Lanka.

Women in Tech Sri Lanka (WIT) is dedicated to transforming the tech landscape by advancing gender diversity and inclusion. Its mission is to empower women and girls in STEM fields, through education, mentorship and advocacy.
By fostering a supportive community and collaborating with global partners, WIT Sri Lanka aims to enhance female representation in leadership, expand access to tech education and promote gender equity in career opportunities.
Committed to driving innovation and influencing policy, WIT Sri Lanka strives to be at the forefront of creating a more inclusive and dynamic tech industry, paving the way for future generations of women technologists.